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영어스터디 토픽(15) Movie Industry - Why do you think the center of the movie industry in the United States began in Hollywood, southern California, next to Los Angeles?- Do you think that movies from different countries can teach us about other cultures?- Do you think that the movies from your country can be popular in other parts of the world if they have subtitles or are dubbed in different languages? Why or why.. 더보기
영어스터디 토픽(13) Meaning of Life and Reasons for Living- What image or metaphor has best described your life? A face, a circus or something else?- What do you feel most people's lives are driven by?- What do you think is life all about?- What is your opinion on why a lot of people have trouble believing in God?- Which is easier for people, going to a religious event or praying to God privately? 더보기
영어스터디 토픽(12) Arguing- What does your family argue about?- In your opinion is being argumentative a positive tarit or a flaw?- Are hand gestures useful in an argument?- Do you often feel patronized in an argument?- What do you say when someone is being condescending? 더보기
영어스터디 토픽(11) Behavior - Why do some children seem naturally well-mannered, while others seem difficult?- Is there any behavior that you would not find acceptable?- Can music influence your behavior?- Does the behavior of well-known people, such as celebrities and politicians, affect how average people behave?- Can you think of a behavior that is 'good' behavior in one culture and a 'bad' behavior in another .. 더보기
영어스터디 토픽(10) Cars and Driving Have you even driven a "hybrid" car? On what occasions do you honk your car horn? Do you know anything about fixing a car? Can you recall any memorable car drive in your line? According to insurance statistics women are better driver than men. Do you agree? 더보기
영어스터디 토픽(9) Who is your favorite super hero? What super power would you like to have? If you had super powers would you be a super hero or a super villain? Do you prefer dark super heroes like Batman or purely good super heroes like Superman? Why have super hero movies become so popular? 더보기
영어스터디 토픽(8) Getting to Know Each Other What do you do on Sundays? What is your motto? What two things could you not do when you were child, but you can do now? What's something you do well? What do you think you will be doing five years from now? 더보기
영어스터디 토픽(7) News - Where do you get your news from - Do you think that news agencies sometimes tell lies to make a story more popular? - How much do you trust newspapaers, television news, and news from the internet? which is the most reilable source of information? - What kind of news stories interest you the most? - Would you ever consider getting a job in the news industry? 더보기
영어스터디 토픽(5) Flea Market - Have tou ever been to a flea market? What do you think about it? - What do you usually want to buy at a flea market? - Is there any special thing you bought at a flea market? - If you ell your used items at a flea market, what are you going to sell? - Do you know how to haggle or negotiate a lower price? 더보기
영어스터디 토픽(4) Elevator - Which do you prefer, elevators, escalators, or stairs? - What things do you look at while the elevator is going up or down? - Do you always try to squeeze in even if the elevator looks full? - What improvements do you think could be made to elevators? - Have you ever had a funny experience in an elevator? 더보기