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영어스터디 토픽(7)


- Where do you get your news from

- Do you think that news agencies sometimes tell lies to make a story more popular?

- How much do you trust newspapaers, television news, and news from the internet? which is the most reilable source of information?

- What kind of news stories interest you the most?

- Would you ever consider getting a job in the news industry? 

'Blog > 영어스터디' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어스터디 토픽(9)  (0) 2019.05.01
영어스터디 토픽(8)  (0) 2019.04.28
영어스터디 토픽(6)  (0) 2019.04.15
영어스터디 토픽(5)  (0) 2019.04.04
영어스터디 토픽(4)  (0) 2019.04.02